What is your cancellation / refund policy?
You may cancel your order up to 24 hours after placing it for a full refund. Anytime after the 24 hours, you may cancel for shop credit due to all of our items being made to order! We apologize for any inconvenience.
What size should I order?
Please refer to our size guide. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns about sizing and we’ll be happy to help.
Do you accept returns?
Unfortunately, because we are such a small business we do not accept returns. Please refer to our sizing charts included on every listing. We highly recommend measuring your dog's neck before placing an order.
However, if an issue has occurred with your order, please contact us. We will do everything we can to correct the problem!
What is your exchange policy?
All exchanges must be done within the 3 days after your package was delivered. Product cannot be worn or damaged and you will be responsible for all shipping fees.
Note: We will only exchange a product for a sizing issue or if it arrives damaged. 
Why doesn't my product look identical to the one on the website?
All of our items are handmade to order, this means each product is unique and no two products will ever look exactly the same. Products might have slight differences in the placement of patterns and designs due to the way our fabric is cut. Same rule applies to collars and leashes since every single one of them is hand-painted.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes we do!
We unfortunately cannot control any customs or import duties that are applied to your package.
Please remember that international orders take a bit longer to get to their homes once they are shipped. Once we drop your package off at our local post office, we cannot do anything to speed up the international shipping process. 
Can I wash my doggo design co. products?
Please refer to our Care info at every item’s listing for specific instructions.
Are you looking for models or brand ambassadors?
 Not at the moment, we will be announcing brand ambassador searches via Instagram so make sure to subscribe and follow us to be the first one to know when we do!